What Makes Sex Good

What Makes Sex Good

As a psychotherapist who specializes in sexuality, I have spent much time contemplating what is happening– emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally– when our sex lives are thriving. Through my research, I have also talked to both men and women who have embraced their sexuality as an essential aspect of who they are.

Self Care Re-Defined

Self Care Re-Defined

The message that we ‘should’ all engage in self care is everywhere. This can leave self care feeling like one more thing to put on our to do lists. At every turn – be it magazine covers or blog posts – we’re promised happiness and contentment if we simply follow “these 4 simple steps”.

Trauma Informed Teaching

Trauma Informed Teaching

Teachers have an innate desire to help and support. We are specifically trained to give ourselves to others, to consider how others learn best, to be mindful of how others might be experiencing things, and to figure out what others need to move forward. We guide others to cultivate knowledge; we bolster others as they find their best selves; we offer stability and healthy relationships.