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Complimentary Conversation

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At Lavender Counselling, we understand that for some, reaching out for counselling is difficult. We also know, based on the research, that the counselling relationship is the single largest predictor of whether your counselling experience will be successful or not.

We all know that sometimes you can have an immediate reaction to a person—it might be a clear, I like this person or a clear, I don’t like this person. And, counselling is not inexpensive.

It is an investment into yourself. Priceless. But not in-expensive. Knowing all of this, our counsellors are committed to offering you a complimentary conversation so you can meet us and see if we might be a good fit for you. This is your chance to ask any questions you may have, to come into our office and see how it feels or to check out the person. There is no to-do list at the complimentary conversation. It is more of a meet and greet. At some point, maybe in this conversation, but not always, your counsellor will share with you our small print, which is important for you to know too. Our complimentary conversation is vital to how we do things at Lavender Counselling.

It is part of our commitment to you to offer as much choice as possible in all of your interactions with us.